While it may not seem so, there are a lot of painless ways to save money. Not just for those who have a limited cash flow, but also for those with plenty of surplus cash who will appreciate ways to cut back on monetary waste. Here are just a few things you can do to save: 1. Use cashback rewards credit cards. While most cards on the market today offer some level of cash back...
There are a variety of financial management tools and applications available today that can be used to help you manage your money. From software applications to phone apps, there’s no shortage of help available. Unfortunately, those apps and software programs can only do what you set them up to do. And all the apps and software products in the world will make no difference in your financial situation if you don’t do the following: 1...
Who hasn't heard some or all of the following? Be sure to check your credit score periodically. Apply for a credit card so you can establish credit. Your credit score dropped. Your credit score rose. What exactly does any of this mean and what is considered a good credit score? According to Credit.com, here are the categories that credit scores fall into, ranging from bad to excellent: Excellent Credit: 750+ Good Credit: 700-749 Fair Credit...